- The account number permits a user-defined
maximum of 40 digits, with up to 15 sub-account breakdowns. The structure of the account
number is at the discretion of the user.
- Several trial balance options are provided,
and the free-form financial statement program supports user-defined formats.
- Security controls are built-in at
application, function, and field levels.
- All external integration functions (e.g.
posting from other Vailtech system modules to the G/L) are controlled by the General
Ledger system.
- Cheque reconciliation
- Full audit trails, and books of original
entries with references to allow tracing back to the source document
- Full flexibility in setting-up accounts
structure, with the ability to add, change or correct account name, and delete obsolete
accounts in which no transactions exist
- Virtually unlimited number of accounts, with
virtually unlimited funds
- Allows Encumbrance Accounting (optional by
account, ie., "All," "Selective" or "None")
- Special tax accounts identified in G/L for
rebate or payable calculations
- Interfund accounting with "Due To"
and "Due From" accounts identified
G/L Companies:
- Up to 99 companies
- Each company can be processed independently
- Each company features its own chart of
accounts, accounting periods, fiscal year, reports and statements
Financial Data:
- Monthly, and YTD balances for current fiscal
year, and next year for each account
- Monthly budget for current year and next
year for each account
- Monthly forecast for current and next year
for each account
- Monthly and YTD balances for last year for
each account and budget
- Account number, amount, accounting month and
year for each transaction
- Date for each transaction
- Journal source (direct G/L or interface
system) for each transaction
- Journal number for each transaction
- Reference code or number and explanation for
each transaction
Chart of Account:
- 40 characters in the account number,
including delimiters (periods)
- Up to 15 levels of management responsibility
- Each level can have up to 999,999,999 codes
(for divisions, departments)
- No predetermined ranges of account numbers;
you can freely design your own chart of accounts
- Funds can be used to balance sets of
accounts within each company
- Accounting Periods: 12 periods per year,
Fiscal year end is determined by user
- Post journals any time in the accounting
- Posting to this and next month; all other
periods password protected
- On-line journal entry, change and delete
- Journals can have descriptions
- Forced balancing at entry (voucher) and
journal level
- Balancing of debit and credit totals
- Make corrections by modifying unposted
journals or by entering corrective journals
- General Journal by Login; a separate journal
for each user
Recurring Journals:
- Automatically generate recurring journals
- Automatically generate accrual reversals
- Allocation capabilities such as fixed
percentage, variable percentage, specific amount
- Select specific entries for posting
Balancing Reports:
- Journal lists (voucher registers) for
- Several trial balance options
- Any account range
- At any reporting level for all or any
specific areas of responsibility
- Across one or more accounting periods (
monthly, quarterly)
- Include balances only, or all transactions
- Select working, journal, or detailed format
- Design reports to your own specifications
with a flexible report writer
- Look at all reports on-line as an inquiry
function or print the reports
- Design column and report headings
- Retrieve any account data in any sequence
- Customer-selected summary or detail level
- Choose any accounting period or range of
- Show current month, last month, YTD amounts
- Do variance calculations
- Do percentage calculations, such as expenses
as percentage of sales
- Combine information for multiple
- Balance forward of detail account data is
- Inset descriptions (no need for title
- Perform eliminations during consolidation
- Experiment with variances and variance